GNOIS welcomes new members. Dues are $10 dollars a year for an individual or a family or $25 for three years.
*** The following PayPal process is UNDER CONSTRUCTION as of 06-21-24. Hopefully, it will be working within a couple of days ***
You can join via PayPal or credit card by clicking below, or you can pay by check.
To pay by check, download a membership brochure and form or the membership form only. Just mail the completed form to our Membership Chair, Catherine Mason at the address shown.
To join by PayPal or a major credit card, click below, and you will be taken to a page for the membership category.
If you are interested in learning more about Louisiana irises and getting more irises for your garden, GNOIS activities are a great way to do it. Everyone who attends a meeting goes home with one or more irises, and you will find many long time growers at meetings and other activities who are happy to share what they have learned.
The Society for Louisiana Irises is the principal international organization devoted to these plants. The publications of SLI provide the most in depth information available, including a beautiful quartely magazine, Fleur de Lis.
You can learn more about SLI on its website. Click here for SLI Membership information.